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Become an inventor at Energy and Technology Museum

From September 1st, Energy and Technology Museum is launching a new educational workshop – the Arduino Workshop. Everyone will be able to create their own invention.

What can you create with just an Arduino? The answer is practically anything. Do you want to learn how to program or get to know the basics of electronics and mechanics? – Come to the Arduino Workshop!

The Arduino is a microcontroller that, unlike other microcontrollers, does not have a single model, but offers an open circuit base, making it suitable for the development of new software circuits.

During the workshop, participants will create a new device with the tools they have available, such as an Arduino microcontroller and LED light bulbs. Each time the programming code is changed, participants will see for themselves how the device they have created changes.

Participant age: 11-14 years old
Duration: up to 60 minutes
Time: Every Saturday at 1 pm and Wednesday at 3 pm.
Price: €7/person

For more information: [email protected] or the Museum’s general number: +370 5 275 4312

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