The Transformation Hall is the newest permanent exhibition of the Energy and Technology Museum, distinguished by its interactivity, modern and unique exhibits. When visiting it, we encourage you to remember your safety, the safety of those around you and the youngest visitor, especially around exhibits such as Tesla coils or Van der Graaff generator.
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the short rules for safety and Quata card use, so that your visit will be smooth and fulfilling. If you have any questions, we kindly invite you to contact the museum guides-educators or employees who speak Lithuanian, English, Russian and Ukrainian languages.
Up to 100 visitors can visit Transformation Hall at a time. The lowest visitor flows are on weekdays, mornings and off-peak hours.
The period of activity of the Transformation Hall Quanta card is 1.5 hours. During the activity period, you can leave the exhibition and return. After the activity time has ended and you have left the hall, you cannot return to it. There is no time limit to collect the Quanta, it is only canceled after returning the card to the collection machine or handing it over to a museum employees.
To get a souvenir, you need to generate at least two Quantums of energy from the areas of Production, Accumulation and Consumption. Pick up the souvenir in the Transformation Hall next to the Robot.
After collecting a Quantum of energy at the Consumption exhibit “Energy for Production”, your portrait will automatically appear on the Transformation Hall Engineer’s certificate. Otherwise, there will be no photo on the certificate. Make sure you collect Quantum for your portrait.
Collect the electronic Engineer’s certificate from the certificate machine in the Boiler Hall. Touch the scanner with the Quanta card and enter your e-mail address.
Get your portrait here
Up to 90 dB noise during operation of Tesla coils. When visiting with babies, bring noise-cancelling headphones.
Faraday cage protects against electromagnetic radiation. It is forbidden to put fingers, electronic devices or any other objects inside the cage.
Faraday cage
Visitors with pacemakers and life support equipment are prohibited from using the Van de Graaff generator (Exhibit “Electrostatic Charge Generation”).
Before using the Van de Graaff generator, leave electronic devices outside the exhibit. Worn metal objects reduce the effect of the generator. Only one person can be near the exhibit during its operation.
Van de Graaff generator
Read the warning signs of the exhibits.
Visitors are responsible for their safety. Parents, guardians and (or) accompanying persons are responsible for the safety of minors.
We wish you an energetic visit to the Transformation Hall!
Sausio 21 d. muziejus uždarytas nuo 13 val.. Sausio 22 d. muziejus nedirbs. / 21 of January the museum will be closed from 1 pm. 22 of January the museum will be closed. Dismiss