This year, Lithuanian Energy Day is a jubilee day. 130 years ago, in 1892, the first power plant and power line were built in Rietavas, in the Oginskiai manor. We will celebrate Energy Day at the Energy and Technology Museum on April 22nd. The museum admission will be free on that day, and we also invite you to free educational activities:
- 10:45 – “Ignitis Class”;
- 10:45 – “Inventing the Battery”;
- 12:30 – “How did Thomas Light Up a Light Bulb?”;
- 12:30 – “Ignitis Class”;
- 14:15 – “Faraday’s Movement”;
- 14:15 – Thematic tour “Light up! This is How a Power Station Works”;
- Scientific experiments.
During it, we will create a mini solar power plant, a battery or the first light bulb. Classes are open to all visitors from the age of 11 (“Ignitis Class” – from the age of 12). Pre-registration is here.
During the thematic guided tour, you will get acquainted with the authentic surviving equipment of the first Vilnius Central Power Plant and will get to know its history.
Scientific experiments for the whole family from the youngest to the oldest will take place at:
- 15:45
- 16:45
- 17:45
ETM hosts two exhibitions: Petras Lincevičius’ “Counting Time in Pink Sand”, and on April 22nd 5PM the exhibition of Aidas Mikelėnas “Canvas in the City” will be opened in the Steam Condenser Hall and a meeting with the artist will take place.
The partner of the Energy Day is the “Ignitis group”.
Let’s meet in ETM!